I stole this picture from Duane because he wrapped these himself (talented bastard! click on the picture to see more.) and the images I came up with were not worthy. I hope he doesn't mind.

I have decided I would give all my blogger friends gifts for the holidays. I was actually lying awake last night until 2 am thinking about it. Am I rich you ask? Not exactly. I will give the present that I think from what I know about you, you would like. In a perfect world these are the things I would give:
To Gigi I give you your "Joe". He will love and honor you the way you deserve, treating you like a princess. His desire for you will be insatiable and you will have all the sex you desire.
HCG will come and sweep you off your feet Sass. He will want to have children immediately.
Chrissie seems to have everything she wants as far as I know. So I will give you happy kids who will excel in all that they do.
I bestow a long life with Madeline filled with joy for Deb and a warm bed in which to play.
MamaKBear gets a happy family including the 5 year old she's been hoping for.
Because she is fun and hot, I give Roxi all the good times she can handle.
To Cutie, I give the man of her desires who will be at her beck and call.
A life without pain and illness for Tami is what I wish.
Wendy gets multiple O's and big tips (not tits, although maybe she would like big tits too. Let me know W.)
For Big Pissy, shopping without regard to money.
The woman he writes so seductively of goes to The Seeker.
A woman with the body of a stripper who loves every inch of you to Dzer.
Mike is another one who seems to have it all so to you I'll give money because everyone can use money.
A G5 Macintosh for Ken for the sign making business.
You know what I would give you, Rob.
To Sheets, the anonymity that you search for.
Barman, I give you all the niceness returned to you that you seem to give to others.
The fame and glory that a musician of your caliber should receive to Top Cat.
If I have forgotten anyone, let me know, I'm Mrs. Effing Claus you know! I hope everyone has a great holiday season!
Edit~My new slam pig informed me that I forgot him. To my dragon lover Calzone, I give you an inebriated me. Do with me what you will. I also give you the gift of drug rehab.
Thanks for the gift. And thanks for the great comments! :)
What a great idea for a post! You put a lot of effort and thought in to it~thanks so much for my gift!!:)
yeah a whole lot of effort. screw you. Next time you are unconscious I'm just going to let you sleep.
just one chick with a stripper's body? it's a christmas WISH list ... can't I get two or three? LOL
and for you jenn ... a hide-in-the-closet migrant worker sex toy to pull out whenever you need him! heh
Thanks baby, Merry Christmas
I want a gift dammit! What would you give a complete stranger? (besides no gift LOL)
You don't know me well enough yet to give a gift, do you? Or maybe you do... just don't send snow! hehe
And btw.. I did too do the snow angel thing. Just check my photo blog. *wink* I may not like snow, but I also hate passing up a challenge! LOL
Hey! Wait! Can I trade my gift in?
I hope to God Madelene doesn't find this blog!!! She'll divorce me!
Great idea Jenn! You definitely have a creative mind!
Another question- when you link people's name to your blog, and click on it--to bring it to their site--- how do you do that? I have googled it many times, never found it though. :(
Technically challenged~
So, I get the lump of coal then, OR WHAT?
Panylines~I don't know about clever...
Mike~Glad you liked it.
Pissy~You are welcome!
Calzone~sheesh, I'll give you something *wink*
Dzer~Don't be greedy! And thanks for the migrant worker but I need bigger closet.
Calzone~No, thank you!
Chrissie~I tried but you have it all so take what I give you and like it *L*
Lara~I'm so sending you more snow. And I did check out the snow angel thing. Now I know why you are so popular *wink*
Gigi~I have no words...
Deb~I'm telling Maddie. I emailed you on the links.
Rob~Thanks, I'm gone (in reference to "you go G-friend)!
EN~I know that you would do something naughty with coal 'cause you're hot like that.
I'm a woman of simple tastes.
I just want lots of cock. ;)
Awwwww, Jenn, you're so sweet to me! Thank you! :) Happy families are great, but could you throw in a bottle of Cuervo too? Just for the off times like this last weekend! LOL
No! You can't tell on me! She might trade me in for a younger model with less mileage. *sigh*
Thanks for the links! I'm so technically challenged. Sad part was, it wasn't so technical.
aw thank you sweetie but you gave me a great gift with your kind comments.
we'll have to see what Santa's little helper has to put in your stocking..(wink)
Thanks for the gift, you are so thoughtful. I was working a 16 hour day so I could not stop by sooner. Just for you I am giving you a nice walk in closet so you can make use of your thoughtful gift from Dzer and an addition to the house to be used at a future date. Well that or maybe just help getting that kitchen done!
Merry Christmas, happy holidays or what ever floats your boat Jenn.
Great idea... What do I get?
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