Happy New Year to you all! I made it through 2005! The last days were a little iffy but I'm almost back to myself.
We spent the night trying to keep our youngest daughter (#2) awake until 12 am. She made it with a little poking and prodding. #1 went to a sleepover so we didn't have to contend with her bouncing off the walls.
Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve was a little less than stellar this year. Ryan Seacrest needs to find a job out of my face as far as I'm concerned. And poor Dick Clark. They propped him up behind a desk and tried to have him read off the teleprompter. His speech was so slurred that he reminded me of a ventriloquist's dummy who's string was being pulled at the wrong time. He even got the countdown wrong by counting too fast. Maybe it was that extra second they added that threw him off. I give him an A for effort though and it was good to see him and not have to guess how bad he is really doing.
Every year I think about what my resolutions are going to be. I usually resolve to lose weight and exercise more like 90% of Americans. But this year will be different. I'm not going to do it. I know that I'll forget about my promise to myself the first time someone shoves a brownie in my face or I sit down to read blogs instead of getting on the treadmill. (I'm still trying to figure out if I can strap the laptop onto the treadmill. I love wireless!)
I can't face letting myself down yet again this year. It's so depressing to feel like a loser because I made a promise to myself that I can't even keep for a day.
So, I'll make my resolutions ones I know I can keep.
1. Have more fun. I know I can handle this one.
2. Be nicer to everyone. This one may take a little more work, but I'm up for it.
3. Help my girls become well rounded people. I want them to succeed in all that they do or be there to help them when they waiver.
4. Have more sex. You can never have enough can you?
5. That's all I got and I'm ending on 5 'cause it's my favorite number.
I'm All A'Twitter
Sunday, January 01, 2006
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10:48 AM
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Cute post! It made me smile!! I soooo know what you mean about poor Dick Clark. Such a trooper! It's not like he NEEDS a job or anything~give it up, Dick! I say he should stay home and watch next year. as for Ryan Seacrest.... I love and hate American Idol at the same time b/c he's the host....
Good luck with your resolutions-you can do it!!!! heh heh
Pissy~I know what you mean about Seacrest. I liked him in the beginning but now it seems that you can't even turn on the TV without seeing him.
O.K. the Dick Clark thing makes sense now....and I feel mean for saying anything about him at all. Thanks, Grainne, for the explaination.
Grainne~I hope my post didn't come across as rude. I didn't mean it that way. I guess I, like you, thought that ABC made him do it for ratings. The show does have his name on it.
Last year just wasn't the same without him and it was hard trying to guess what horrors he and his family were suffering.
Your mom's points are so valid about him being a roll model. I hadn't thought about it that way. I was only thinking of the monetary and ratings part of it.
Thanks for setting me straight. :-)
I can not believe I missed it. I was home alone letting the healthy people enjoy New Years in peace and did not realize it was 2006 until I looked up and it was 12:35. Bummer. I sure wish I had not missed Dick Clark and the dropping of the ball. I would have called the folks too. Darn, the new year if off to a blah start.
Grainne, thank you for that prospective. I am sure there will be some people talking about this at work and I am sure that, despite not seeing it, I will make sure to pass on the information from your Mom.
Lets see, GiGi's favorite number is 44. That is just two orders of 4, correct. So double the sex for GiGi.
Good luck Jenn on the resolutions and by the way, I am so suprised by number 2. I am afraid for health reasons I have to stick the weight and exercise on the head of my list.
Happy New Year.
I love your Have more sex goal. I need that myself. My poor husband. HA!
Jenn, I totally agree resolutions suck. However, I'm all for 1,2 and 4. Oh, and did I mention 4. LOL.
Gigi~You BETTER get busy!
Grainne~I have found that my mother is right more often than not and she likes to rub it in.
Barman~You didn't really miss much. It was a little anti climactic.
Sunny~Your poor husband and mine! I haven't told him this is one of my goals, hehe.
Suze~I didn't really plan on making any when I started the post but somehow seemed to get sucked in. Ha! I just said sucked in!
Good for you!! If you do good on #4, you will be in the Multiple O club before you know it! LOL Happy New Year!
good to have you feeling better Jenn, welcome to the Year 2006.
Top cat
i started making number one my resolution a few years back and i've been much happier since then.
number two is a life choice and you'll be amazed how much happier it makes you.
number three is fantastic and i wish more parents thought that way.
number four is irrelevant to me it's been so long now.
mine is 8 or 17... for very similar reasons :)
How can you be nicer to people? You're already so nice to everyone... I agree you picked a tough one there.
Happy new year! :)
hey darlin' that's a nice set ...
... and the resolutions are a good too ;)
hoping they all come true ... *smooches*
I think the 4th resolution is the best one...lol
Ummm, number four... NO you can never have enough.
And you'll find that when you get more of 4 - 1,2, and 3 will be easier to accomplish :)
seriously :)
Huggs Jenn and happy new year!
I don't think that your resolutions are challenging enough. I believe you have all this already---don't you???? :)
Great post! Happy New Year!!!
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