My parents bought my girls quad runners. They are 90cc so a managable sized engine for young girls. They started out buying only one and the girls shared it really well. My step dad, being the one upper that he is decided that they each needed one so they bought another. He's talking about buying two more so that he and my mom can ride with them. Man, my kids are spoiled. The most exciting thing I got to ride as a kid was the lawn mower over the 5 acres that we mowed.
Here are the twins. You will notice that they are not identical.

I took the blue one for a spin last week on a gorgeous sunny day.
Here is my view while riding.
Here is my view while riding.

Here's a way dorky picture of me on the quad. I have extreme photosensitivity so I squint like a moron instead of wearing sunglasses. The wind and no makeup thing don't help my case either.

This picture doesn't do justice to this rock. It has a band of pink that runs through it. It kind of looks like blood. Growing up on my grandparents farm I learned that rocks are a farmer's enemy. I can still appreciate this one though as my grandpa had to move it out of the middle of the field.
If you look really hard, you can see the woods. I rode all the way back there. It's over a mile and a half one way. This is the view from my parents yard. The extra green spot where the old barn burned a couple of years ago. (I really need to post that story with pictures). My grandfather's last year of crop farming was last year. He will plant this and all of his fields in grass as it is now in a federal land bank program.

I'm so lucky to have my family's land to roam. I can't imagine not being able to "commune" with nature.
Dang! I just sold mine last summer. I had a red one. They about jar your teeth out of your head but it's fun, huh? Bob forced me to wear a helmut with a visor on it. soon as he was out of sight I took the blasted thing off.
no better way to roam the country than on a quad :)
I sure wish I had somewhere to go and enjoy nature. Living in the city sucks sometimes. My kids would go crazy for those quadrunners.
Please wear sunglasses, squinting causes crows feet.
Jenn, I like to be out in the open space but here there is so little wilderness to get lost in.
I'm soo jealous of the quads, I've always wanted to have a go on one. Your kids are so lucky. :)
First let me say wow what a different look SG. You look different but nice other then the squinting for the sun.
So much open land is really nice. I bet the quads are fun. I have only been on a quad twice, once being by myself and I hardley did anything. Zoom here, zoom there, zoom, zoom, zoom and none of the zooming was all that fast. Still it was up North which would almost be like being at the poperty in the picture. Very nice.
definitely looks like a good time. and it's not fair that you look so good without makeup - i'd feel naked (and hideous!) without it.
Not only are you lucky, you are lovely as well. And what beautiful skin! It looks like you have make-up on! The land that I roamed as a kid is now all houses! But I still have the memories!
*making a note*
Go visit Jenn this summer. We'll pawn Buddha off on her parents and take the 4-wheelers for a spin.
Yeah, baby!
I love those things, I ride one every time I go home to visit family.
That looks like so much fun!
Thanks for posting the pictures~love them! :)
That shit totally looks like fun! I want a four wheeler.....
your unharrowed fields look just like our unharrowed fields
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