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    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Back To School

    School starts today so things are crazy here. I'll try to download and post pictures from Saturday later.


    sassinak said...

    damm girl
    so cool!

    congrats on your daughter being a frosh, hope you survive!

    Roxi said...

    yeah the begining of school makes me want to scream so loud my ears pop off

    DZER said...

    oh, the fun of school ... lol

    barman said...

    I'm ugly. Oh man, now I am all depressed...

    I hope you survive you first week of school starting up. I am sure it is crazy before things settle into a pattern.

    Manny said...

    Your girls are so gonna rock. I have no doubt you'll be rockin right along with them.

    missed you this weekend.

    Liz said...

    Do your girls like school? Are there alot of cliques in the school? High school is a hard time, at least I thought it was. I just hope they remember that what happens in high school stays in high school. Once you go on to college, high school and what you did or what you were doesn't matter.

    Crabby said...

    Finally! I've been havin a heck of a time gettin thru on your blog today.

    crap. Now I forgot what I was gonna say. It was good too. Profound even.

    Well, shoot!