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    Friday, September 01, 2006

    Weekend Plans

    We are going to a car show tomorrow. Mr. Sign's brother is a collector. He owns a Ferret. No, not the furry little animal. It's a British tank. It looks something like this one except the top is enclosed. Both girls will be riding with him in the parade. #1 is the gunner and #2 will just look pretty. I'll try to take pictures.

    My brother in law owns a couple of army jeeps and a deuce and a half truck. Are you noticing a trend here? He does own some classic cars too but they don't seem to be his passion. Mr. Sign is going to drive one of the jeeps.

    My sister in law will drive her brand new Saturn Sky Roadster. It was the 15th one built (the inlaws have connections since they both work for GM). It looks like this one only it's black.

    The weather is supposed to be terrible. In the 60's and rainy. We'll try to make the best of it.

    Have a great Labor Day weekend!


    Sheets said...

    Have fun....stay dry!

    Madame X said...

    I hate my hundai

    cadbury_vw said...

    and i thought my friend the antique car guy was a little eccentric...

    i suspect that the armoured car is at least one order of magnitude greater in tha regard


    if i ever come to visit, can i ride in it?


    i expect that he wouldn't get tailgated much while driving it. and if someone decided to get all road rage on him, he really wouldn't give a shit

    maybe he should move to L.A...

    KJ said...

    Hope you have a great weekend!!!

    barman said...

    Wow, out of all the years I knew that car thingy was in town where I am over Labor Day, I have never been and, I never knew they had a parade. I may need to hit the gocery store and stop on the way back.

    Sounds like you needed to be driving something in the parade too. From what I remember you were proud of your van. :)

    SignGurl said...

    Sheets~ I hope the rain holds off.

    Madame~ We have a Hundai and I love it!

    Cadbury~ I can hook you up with a ride but I doubt he would let you drive. He protects it like it's his baby.

    He'd never make it in LA because he would use the onboard weapons.

    KJ~ Thanks, you too.

    Barman~ Maybe we will catch up with each other. Just look for the tank.

    Liz said...

    Can you believe how muched it's cooled down this week? I was hoping for it to be slightly warmer, mid 70s would be perfect.

    I hope it doesn't rain on your parade ;)

    Crabby said...

    Boy would I love to have a tank. This weather is not fair to us. We were supposed to be sunny and 70's Today we're 67, wet and cloudy. But Sunday looks like Ohio is past the ickies and back into sunshine and 70's.

    Have fun, baby! And take pics.

    Roxi said...

    hawt ..

    I hope this weekend is not as bad as they are saying its going to be..

    they say sunday should be decent..

    ell said...

    have fun at the show and enjoy the weekend!

    GAB said...

    I have 3 collector cars. 1 1954 Packard Clipper and 2 1963 Panards. The Panards are french have 2 cyclendar engines and sucicide doors(sorry about bad spelling)Right now they are in bad need of repairs. Hopefully we can get to them and bring them back to looking good again.

    DZER said...

    i love the cool-ass military vehicles ... suh-weet!!

    Suze said...

    Jenn, looks like you are in for a fun weekend!

    Now tell me, does Mr Sign's brother have lots of uniforms too? ;)

    Big Pissy said...

    Cool vehicles!

    Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures!

    Hope it didn't rain on y'all :)