Here's a list of little victories I have encountered since gastric bypass surgery:
- The steering wheel in my car is much further away now. I had to move my seat forward and lower the wheel.
- While Christmas shopping, I realized I had walked the entire store twice over without even thinking twice. Before surgery, I would have made a map so as to only hit the areas I needed. Otherwise I would have been exhausted just walking from the parking lot.
- I no longer look for the closest parking space.
- Instead of looking down while walking, I hold my head high.
- I don't plan my next meal while my mouth is still full of the previous meal.
- My jeans are 2 (almost 3) sizes smaller.
- I weigh less now (2 months post op) than I have in over 10 years.
I thought I'd share some pictures of our Christmas decorations.
A good friend had this sent to me.
This present is for me. I wonder what it is?
My favorite ornaments are the ones the girls made.
My stepdad (he's also my boss) gave me this.
Our tree. Someone needs to help Santa Bear (on the bottom left).
I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. May the holiday be everything you hoped for.
Your tree and decorations are absolutely beautiful! :) I love hearing how happy you are about the weight loss progress, it makes me smile!
Merry Christmas, my sweet friend! :)
Merry Christmas Signgurl
Best of luck with your weight loss. You look great.
I hope you continue to find little vistories. That is so exciting. I will come join you some day, it just will take a little longer.
Boy I can't get over this. This is just so wonderful.
I hope you and the family have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes to Mr Sign.
Your decorations are beautiful!
Thanks for posting the pictures. :)
You are doing so great with your weight should be proud of yourself! :)
Merry Christmas!
What pretty pictures! Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas!!
Pretty tree and decorations!
Very cool to hear you walking with your head held high!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Great decorations! I'll have to post some of mine.
ps...We have the same angel.
Merry Christams
I still look down while walking because I am so clumsy. I've been known to trip over my own feet. LOL True story.
When I read your weight loss updates I always think about my friend. Girl, you have no idea of what lies ahead, the new clothes, the new attitude, Woot just wait for the spring time.
I am happy for you!!!!!!!!
Awwwwwwww Gurl. . . I love seeing those little bits of your personality through your decorations. . . . So proud of you. . . keep up the good work.
Wonderful pictures Jenn, I love um.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.:)
Love the new look of your blog!
I like your site more every time I visit!
Go Blue, beat U.S.C.!
Merry Christmas.
Signgurl, you rock! I don't even know you but I'm so damned proud of you. I love reading happy posts like this one. Keep 'em coming girl! Merry Christmas. Love, Dan
Merry Christmas, Sign.
Congrats on your victories. Happy holidays to you and your family
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