I have been so unmotivated to do anything lately (since Mr. Sign's surgery). I don't feel depressed, just blah. I have been focusing on trying to eat the right foods and get the water in. I have had a case of the snackies. Sugar free cookies are going to be the end of me. I keep grabbing one instead of eating protein. Luckily, one fills me up or I would eat the whole package, just like old times.
Overall, I'm really starting to notice a physical change in myself. I'm at the lowest weight since before my last pregnancy. I'm down 66 pounds.
I still haven't exercised. I'm so afraid of further hurting my knees. I'm hoping after more weight comes off, I will be able to exercise without them popping and aching. I don't want to have knee surgery at 38.
Oh no, I'm not buying this pal. You're lazy because you can't tear yourself away from those fucking models. You're not fooling anyone Jenn :)
Nonny~ You outed me! I cannot tear myself away from America's Next Top Model MegaMarathon on VH1. Mr. Sign is ready to blow his brains out. As I mentioned on your blog, I have been inspired to try some new hair styles. It was bad. I need an intervention (another good show).
Exercise will come easy baby.
Walk to the corner and back, once a day...Thats all.
Your a model now?
G-Man~ Long, long ago, I did some modeling. How funny is that?
Now I'm hooked on watching these ridiculous chicks on Top Model. You know, the one with Tyra Banks?
I SOOOOO hear you on the lazy. I've done one load of laundry so far. I've been up since 6:00 a.m. and it's now 2:30. It's just "one of those days".
I am not doing my blog anymore...for now at least..I always say that...hahaha...I just happened to think about you and wanted to check up on your site...and the last time I was here, you had been denied for surgery...and now I see that congrats are in order!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
how are you feeling? I hope everything is going great...best of luck to you!
OH, btw...I absolutely love how your blog looks now!
I have been watching the ANTM marathon too.
antm chocolate...its chocolate...its chocolatey...she was friggin brilliant!
I love my antm chocolate!
You're right to take it easy on those knees.
At least until the ANTM marathon is over. ;-)
Even though you feel blah, you should feel so proud of yourself for how well you are doing. By easy on the knees!
Tyra is one nasty bitch!
Sign just do a little walking so you are moving at least. Worry about the exercise in a little while after it gets harder to lose the weight or you feel it is time to start.
Don't forget, water aerobics is great exercise. You can burn a lot of calories and it is not hard on the joints at all. If you do not have anywhere else to do it, even if you are not a YMCA member, you can do it there for a fee. Once I lose a little more I am going to sign up again.
I have refused to watch ANTM. As a matter of fact I have stopped watching that entire network since they kept canceling all the shows I watched and pushing ANTM on me. No thank you. I hope you are cured soon.
Oh and HI WMY. Sorry you are not blogging, glad to see you around again.
Congratulations on your continued progress!
I'd recommend water arobics. Low impact but great results. It's what they used on me to rebuild strenght and not cause further injury after I was hurt. Check your local Y. It was a lot of fun too, something you can't say about most exercises.
your doctor and physio people will know best, but i don't think there is much point in doing a bunch of exercise while you are recovering from surgery and while your body is adjusting
it takes a lot of work for your body to break down the stored fat in your body - that in itself is tiring
don't push yourself unrealistically - just losing the weight and staying focused on the diet is all you need to keep on top of. it took you awhile to get there, it will take awhile to get the weight down and muscle tone.
i know that you have had a greater row to hoe than i did, but i'm still working on the exercise part after my weight loss
it all takes time
if you push too hard you will damage yourself
Knock, knock. Anybody home?
First time visitor here! You lost 66 pounds without exercising? Write a book! Seriously, you can find exercises that don't involve your knees. Just keep working and stay healthy!
Cool blog - like it. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated.
Especially like "skinny girls are for wimps"... you're preaching to a convert!
Gurl. . . I read something the other day about exercise. I am not very regular at it in the winter months. . . . . . they said force your self by parking further away at the store or at work. . . . take the stairs when possible and not the elevator. . . . just little things. . . .
you are doing a great job. . . . and getting a new look in the hair department is the best thing you can do for yourself. . . . go for it.
Gurl. . . I read something the other day about exercise. I am not very regular at it in the winter months. . . . . . they said force your self by parking further away at the store or at work. . . . take the stairs when possible and not the elevator. . . . just little things. . . .
you are doing a great job. . . . and getting a new look in the hair department is the best thing you can do for yourself. . . . go for it.
Sign, get you some dumbells. 4, 6, and 8 lbs. Start with the 4's and work your way up. You can work them laying on the floor. I need to get you the work out instructions I follow. The beauty of it all is, not only will your arms get toned, but you still burn calories after you finish.
Then you can lay flat on the floor, lift your legs in the air. Spread them while in the air, and bend your knees. This is good for the tummy and I don't think the impact on your knee's will be as hard.
I know you'll figure it out sweetie. I feel blah too. I don't mind crappy weather until Christmas is over, now I'm ready for spring.
I'd like some pig shit and pizza please...
66 pounds???
Unbelieveable! I'm proud of you Mrs. Sign!
I was just wondering...
Do you have time for a Princess?
Don't let fear stop you from doing what you need to do.
I mean it.
I don't care if the cookies are fat free, sugar free and carb free.
Don't eat cookies!
You only reinforce old bad habits!
Stop eating sweets as a way of feeling better...
It does not work in the long run.
Make new habits!
Don't make me have to come over there...
I think it's great you are noticing a change and Wow! 66lbs..that's fantastic.
I've spent the weekend watching ANTM myself.
Congrats on the 66 pounds!!
I'll share my favorite no sugar sweet fix with you cause I love ya.
Take some sugar free cherry pie filling and warm it up. Then get some sugar free vanilla ice cream and put it on top. It's good. You can thank me later.
So let me get this straight. You watch some model show for 24 hr's...you lose 66 pounds?
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