Yes what g-man said. Those are very beautiful Jenn. I really love how much your eyes stand out in the first one and go so well with the pink top. You be styling.
You can then buy some of those "moving" eyes and stick them on it and then put a mouth that looks like a cheerio and put a caption on the jar say...Help! I'm being held prisoner! LMAO
That first pic is gorgeous - especially the eyes! (I know, they already said it, but it's worth repeating.) It does look a little dark for a profile pic, though. Can you lighten it up any?
I hope this sounds ok coming from another women but you are a very beautiful women the first pic is great I would rather see your face then your gall bladder lol
Wendy, same thing happened to me. It was about 3 weeks to almost a month before they got me in but at least I was able to cool it and rarely have any pain.
I'm a mother of two amazing daughters. Sign making is my business from design to installation. I had gastric bypass surgery on October 25, 2006 and have currently lost over 200 pounds. There's a fat girl in my head. I'm trying to kill her but she won't die.
OMG Jenn!
I really like them both, but the 1st one is Sooo
Beautiful! That is Cover-Girl Quality HOT!!!
WOW!...Thanks for the treat..xoxoxox
Yes what g-man said. Those are very beautiful Jenn. I really love how much your eyes stand out in the first one and go so well with the pink top. You be styling.
I agree with my fellow buds, the first really shows off your beautious eyes.:)
WOW I vote for the 1st one. You look AMAZING!!! Oh and as for the gallbladder pic... EW is all I have to say about that. =0)
You can then buy some of those "moving" eyes and stick them on it and then put a mouth that looks like a cheerio and put a caption on the jar say...Help! I'm being held prisoner! LMAO
Yeah, I know...I'm a sick!
How ya feeling??
You are amazingly beautiful!
I definitely think the gall bladder pic is a GREAT idea! I love gross crap like that.
Ask them to bottle it in some formaldehyde. (I'm sure I didn't spell that correctly.) Do it for me!
Sign, I agree with G-man. That first pic is amazing. You look like a kid! And you have the best eyes, I've ever seen.
I SUCK...I'm late, take care of yourself!! Wow...
I am with G, LOVE that first one. And Crabby, get your mitts offa her eyes, I called em first. ;)
That first pic is gorgeous - especially the eyes! (I know, they already said it, but it's worth repeating.) It does look a little dark for a profile pic, though. Can you lighten it up any?
Milky, No ya didn't. Look up. See that shining face up there in the hat? That's me and I'm first. PlebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT!
They're both gorgeous ..but I favor the first one too.
gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!
i like the gallbladder idea, though....
I hope this sounds ok coming from another women but you are a very beautiful women the first pic is great I would rather see your face then your gall bladder lol
Gurl. . . . you look awesome. . . . I am so happy for you. . . . And pink looks so good on you.
If your gall bladder looks as good as you - use it!
If not well the first one will do nicely1 It's gorgeous!
If you don't have any pics with your cleavage in it, then I vote for the top one. Happy HNT!
I love them both.
How about the one from last night?
Hahaha, Manny? I have those!!
And Jenn, see?
I told you the 1st one was awesome.....
And 2nd, the gall stones?
Yep, keep em!!
Your THE Bombshell!!
I am with the do have some pretty peepers!!
I still cannot believe that you have to wait so damn long to have surgery...we do not live in the frickin middle ages...GAH!!
LMAO Jenn! You nut!
I love the first picture...the second one too, but the first one is my favorite.
I'm still laughin' at your gallbladder comment.
Your eyes, your hair, your smile, your shirt, everythings perfect it pic #1!
Wendy, same thing happened to me. It was about 3 weeks to almost a month before they got me in but at least I was able to cool it and rarely have any pain.
I like the first one!
Gorgeous! :)
Those are both very good pics! Very Beautiful young ldy! LOL
I really like the top one the best...
Awesome eyes!
Yeah! I see you listened to your wanting public..
Great shot Jenn.....xoxox
They are lovely pics, Jenn. You are so photogenic. I'd pick the first one if I had to choose.
Hi Jenn,
I likethe first one, too.
Get well soon, sweetie-- you really are looking fanTAStic!
you have such gorgeous eyes and such a lovely smile.
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