A friend and I were talking at the kids' school when another mom approached us. This woman's children had gone to school with ours but had left the school 2 years ago. She was visiting our kids' school because she does vision testing.
The woman hugged my friend and immediately began conversation. She completely ignored me which I found strange because in years past, we had spoken pleasantries every day.
I stood back and watched the exchange between the two women like I was invisible. She hugged my friend and left. I couldn't imagine why she hadn't spoken to me.
My youngest daughter came bounding out of the school and asked if I had seen "Mrs. Friend" because she had asked about me and even told daughter to make sure she told me "hello".
It took me a second to figure out that she had now clue who I was when I was standing there. She was looking for the "old " me.
So, I've officially had my first incident of not being recognized because of my weight. Weird.
I'm All A'Twitter
Monday, April 09, 2007
Who Are You?
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: Weight loss
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Gurl . . . . as I was reading. . . . it was my first thought. . .it happened to me on Friday. . . . someone said are you Tammy's cousin. . . . I did not recognize her. . . . I said that I had no family in Texas. . . . she apologized and then her voice triggered a memory . . . . I quickly walked towards her and apologized and told her I was Tammy's X cousin. . . She had lost at least 50 pounds. . . . I told her that I really did not recognize her and it was her voice that triggered my memory.
I say get ready girlie. . . lots of people will not recognize you. . . please don't think we are all to rude.
I lost about 100 pounds once and had the same thing happen. Maybe you need to wear one of those badge thingies with your name and an old picture on it. I know, not funny and not helping.
It is true, you look real different already and it will continue to change and be even more noticable. I have seen it happen on people that have lost much less then you have. Before long you will probably start getting people telling you that you should gain some weight back or at least stop losing any more. I think they just have a hard time adjusting to the new you. That and maybe they are jealous.
Congratulations on passing through another stage of becoming the new (but still same young) you.
You go Gurl.
wow jenn that's quite a trip.
Maybe it was good she missed you so you didn't have to explain everything.
I guess this is the BEST way to be forgotten. Another milestone for you Jenn!
I would have been something to see the expression on her face if you would have said something to her while you were standing with her. Just to see the expression on her face would be priceless.
If anyone sees sign, will you please tell her I said 'Hello'
That's wonderful in a peculiar way sign but you can think of that iff you ever think you're not doing so well - inspirational!
Well done, you're doing fine!
Whoa! That's gotta be a trip and half.
That happened to me once. A friend I hadn't seen for awhile had gone to weight watchers and dropped something like 60 pounds. We were supposed to meet her and her husband at Brios. We got there. Saw the husband and said hello, then asked where she was...and she was standing right there! I thought she was with the younger guy on the other side. LOL! I swear she looked 10 years younger.
Yeah!! Think about how fun it will be to be incognito!
yeah, you could engage in all sorts of nefarious activities, if no one recognizes you...!
Hello Sign Gurl - I stumbled on your blog and wanted to say hi. You are truly inspirational to me. I myself could stand to loose a few and have been thinking about the lap-band procedure. Even though we have never met I am very happy for you!
Ronda (cprrlr)
I hope you are feeling good and not in any pain..Well even if she didn't recognize you she still could have said hi and introduced herself to you as someone else said just wear a name tag with your name and old photo to save yourself some time lol
That's so cool!
You're doing a great job! :)
But that is great! well sorta. But see it means there has been a big change
I'm thinking if the change has been that drastic, it is a good thing! Keep up the good work :)
I miss you.
When people i know don't recognize me it's usually due to some sort of trauma and repression... lol
There aren't many reasons out there that would actually make you feel good about being ignored...
...but, this one DEFNITELY is.
I think that really kind of rocks.
xo, Ms. Sign.
Good onya.
Now how cool is that?!? :-D
Ok, now have this song playing in my head. You know the one? The most beautiful girl, who walked out on me. Please, won't you tell her, that I love her. It goes something like that.
I'd switch teams for you gurl.
Miss you.
My first cousin (male) had the surgery a few years ago. At a family reunion about 6-9 months after, I kept wondering which female cousin had brought along the strange guy I didn't recognize, and when they were going to introduce him. It wasn't until someone mentioned his name and I wondered why they were talking about him when he wasn't at the reunion that I finally realized who he was.
Your progress is inspirational. I'm very proud of the hard work you've done... enjoy the mysterious new you that people are getting to meet! :)
Manny!! Stop trying to get into Sign's pants!!
On second thought you could LITERALLY get into Sign's pants...
WTF? 21? Am I ever getting old...xoxox
Yippee! I don't look anything like my pic on my name badge for work. I've tried twice now to get a new one..instead they just send me a 'reprint.' I've given up and act like I don't know the chick on my badge.
Woot, Woot!!
Happy dance...wait until you go somewhere and get carded...and they call you a liar cause your license looks nothing like you now!! I am so proud of you!
Keeping fingers crossed and waiting for Friday.
Oh, by the way, my name is Bryan and you are???
Missing you girl.
jenn just stopped by to check on you and let you know you are in my thoughts.
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