I'm going to do something I never, ever thought I would be able to do. I'm going to tell you how much I weighed at my highest weight and how much I currently weigh.
My 9 month surgery anniversary is today. Hard to believe that in that amount of time I could have had a baby. I'm just happy to still be headed in the right direction. I still worry every single day that I've stopped losing. I suppose that if I stopped where I am now, things wouldn't be so bad.
My highest weight was (drum roll) 384 pounds!!!!! Egads, that is painful even to type. My current weight is (still painful) 240 as of this morning. That means I've lost 144 pounds.
My largest sized pants were 36, I'm now wearing 18's. My shirt size went from a 5X to 18/20 and some 14/16's. I haven't been this size in 15 years.
My goal is to lose about 60 more pounds which puts me at 180 pounds. This is a big number, but one at which I know I look healthy. If more comes off, I'll take it .
Here are my current pictures: (All pictures can be clicked to enlarge)
Current weight 242 on July 20, 2007.

Girl! You look Mahvelous! I would never have guessed last year that you weighed that much and you certainly don't look like you weigh 240!! I would have put you at 180 now!
I'm so proud of you! You ARE a Goddess!
big smewches!!
JENN! WOW! congratulations!!
We are proud of you jenn...I cant wait to see you after a few more months!
That is marvelous progress!!
I love you Jenn.
You're so sweet and honest and brave. I can't believe it's been 9 months. You look great and are such an inspiration. Anything you put your mind to you do, I admire you for that.
i would have never guessed you at 240
or your previous weight
you are amazing
WTG gurl! Im so proud. My turn
You are looking super. It is hard to believe how much unwanted weight you have already given the heave ho to. It is also interesting to see the change. I think between 5 months and 6 months looks like the bigest change to me. Recently you are showing more and more curves. I can not even imagine what is next. Congratulations on setting your mind to this and sticking with it. I am very proud how well you have done Jenn.
Do you even have any idea at all how amazing you are, Jen? Not to mention absolutely beautiful. I know you don't believe it yet. But trust me, I'd kill to have your eyes alone...and let's don't even start on that skin. MY GOSH! You are so gonna be unfairly gorgeous here soon. Just the fact that you're getting all perky alone is attractive as hell.
Don't feel bad about posting that starting weight because you could well be an inspiration to someone out there who badly needs it right now.
Cutie~ Where have you been? You are way too kind to me and I love it!
Mona~ Thanks!
Nonny~ I love you too. My weight has been the one and only thing I've not accomplished that I set out to do.
Cad~ I'm pretty lucky to be able to carry weight quite well. I am very muscular for a heavy person. Even at my highest weight, doctors were amazed at how strong I was and how easily I recuperated.
Gab~ It is your turn!! I can't wait to be here for you.
Barman~ Thank you very much!!
Crabby~ Being an inspiration to others was my motivation for posting my weight :)
Yay You!... next month I have an anniversary.. but I'll tell you about that when the time arrives....
I am sooooo fucking proud of you.
I love you
You look beautiful.
But you've always been beautiful.
I hope that you are proud of yourself for the weight you've lost. If not, you should be. If everyone only understood what it is to have weight loss surgery and to really have to work at it. The weight does sort of fall off in the beginning, but it's the motivation and good feeling you have when walking that keeps you coming back for more.
I have never met you, but we share a "bond" and I want you to know that you give me inspiration. I'm stuck now as I've told you before, but everytime I come here or over there [wink wink] I am reminded not to give up...and it's not over til the fat lady sings.
WOW! That is an amazing difference. Great job! I'm trying too. I loosing about a pound a week.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway... You look fabulous dahling! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know the thrill of loosing so much weight. It's pretty heady isn't it. Congrats on your decision. You totally rock!
These are wonderful... and so are you! I'm so proud of you. You've always been beautiful, but now I think you're seeing it, too! At least I hope you are! You should be!!!
That is simply amazing. Seeing all those pics together really makes you notice. Keep it up! You must be so happy with yourself!
It's sort of freeing to put those numbers out there, isn't it? You've made such amazing progress in those 9 short months - you should be so proud!!
Sending you ((big hugs)).. D
stands and applauds wildly (even though i am a day late and a dollar short) you go girl!!
It's not even so much the weight loss I am so stoked about, as it is how determined you are and how well you are taking care of yourself. You are absolutely gorgeous for that reason alone. You ARE inspiring!!
Congratulations, u've come so far!
Awesome progress sweetie.
you are a HUGE inspiration to me.
your inner beauty is really beginning to shine through!
the incredible shrinking jen!
as everyone else has said, you're amazing.
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