G-Man (on the left) invited himself over to help celebrate Barman's (on the right) birthday. We had a great time with lots of food. (Mr. Sign graciously took this picture of us)
This is Barman on the phone with the beautiful Jillie
who sang Happy Birthday in her best Marilyn Monroe voice.
who sang Happy Birthday in her best Marilyn Monroe voice.

....And what a great Feast..
Vidalia Marinated Chicken Breasts, Jenn's World Famous Cheesy potatos, Lovely Salad, And a sugar-free dessert to DIE for...
We had lots of fun, I showed her how to do a few things on the ole PC, and I stole a Pair of Mr. Sign's shoes!!
Hahahaha...Plus I got Barman a Great gift...But I'm far too modest to say what...
Thanks again Jenn..You Rock!!!
I had so much fun singing to Barman even if I can't hold a tune to save my life. I sure wish I could have been there with you guys. You look like you were all having SO MUCH FUN!
I love you guys!
Happy Fourth Sexy!
Looks like a good time was had by all! Glad y'all could celebrate together. Happy HNT!
woo hoo, i love when you 3
get together!
how cool is that!
happy 4th of July!
Cool. you all celebrated my birthday together!
Oh g-ster, thank you so much. I shall post and share with the world your great gifts.
Jillie, you where not classically trained? I thought you sounded superb. Thank you so much for the call and the wonderful rendition of happy birthday. Two thumbs up from me. It was a great day but would have been even better if you would have been there.
Thank you Sign for putting this together. It is now official, between Sunday, work and yesterday this is my most celebrated birthday yet and I still have Saturday coming up. You guys sure put together a wonderful spread and with the conversations, music, what can I say, it was wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You guys always look so good together.
Tres Hombres.lol
now THERE is a crew that looks like trouble waiting to happen. hehehehe dang i am jealous! lol
and why amd i NOT surprised that gman supplied the pyrotechnics??
looks like a great time. :)
Awww looks like a great time. Glad you guys could get together and celebrate.
Aw, that looks like fun. Again with the nice weather up North. We had rain yesterday, though it did clear up enough for fireworks.
Are fireworks not illegal anymore? Our neighbors had some that I know can't be legal. I guess the cops don't give a shit anymore.
WOW! what a threesome!
Signgurl you rock!
& so do Barman & Galen!
what a wonderful idea, bloggers getting together! I think Michgan also has a blogger's meet!
I wish there could be a WORLD all bloggers meet! [ nothing wrong in dreaming!!!]
you skinny b...I'm all hating on your skinny ass now.
I can't be friends with skinny people, cause I just look fatter standing next to their tiny asses....
Nonny, here in Michigan we are able to have very mild fireworks. I believe these were legal. They did not explode (report), they did not leave the ground, and other things. People do go out of state (both Ohio and Indiana) and get the illegal (for Michigan) fireworks and brings it back to Michigan. There were fireworks going off all over the place that look as good as what the cities and townships shoot off. Amazing.
G-Man~ Thanks for teaching me all those technologic tricks. I've been in the dark for so long. Sorry the cucumber sammiches gave you the wind.
Jillie~ I'm so glad you got to be a part of it. Wish you could have been here.
Savage~ You're back!!!!
Snow White~ I have a feeling that where ever those two go, fun ensues.
JJ~ We will have to road trip to Canada to see you.
Gab~ We talked about your birthday and about hopefully meeting you someday.
Barman~ I'm so glad you are having such a fabulous 50th birthday even if it's lasting weeks. Thanks for the company last night.
TC~ We were talking about road tripping down to see you :)
Lime~ You know G-Man is full of it in real life, just like here in bloglad.
MM~ It was!
Buddha Girl~ Me too :)
Nonny~ It was crappy all day until about 4 pm. Then it was nice. My neighborhood sounded like Baghdad until about 3 am. Fireworks are illegal if they leave the canister and then burst in the air. The cops have never given a shit around here.
Mona~ That's a great idea. A worldwide blogger meeting!! How much fun would that be?
Beach Girl~ Shut up!! You know your ass is way smaller than mine.
Food and friends! Nothing better.
Woops! That comment above was me. I for got sign out of Lori's blog name.
Oh man, I knew it, I just knew that Gman would be flaunting that menu somewhere in blogland. What is it about hanging around him that leaves me so damn hungry?
Sounds like you three had a great time! Great pics!
SignGurl Rocks like no other!!!..xoxox
that would be cool or I can meet you up near you all for lunch sometime, seeing I have time on my hands these days.lol
These pics are really great.
You guys always look like you're having so much FUN!
Galen looks so festive in his bandana.
And, Galen? You stole shoes?
Robbery is SO hot!
Barman, did you ask Jillie what she was wearing?
I would have.
Ms. Sign,
You are such a gracious host and such a beautiful person.
What a kickass shindig you throw.
I'm glad you guys had such a good time.
Please help me to help Al Gore save the planet.
and I wasent invited... I would have drove up...
damn it.
I'm only an hour away..
fucking a
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