My mom called me this morning to ask if we wanted to come over and cross country ski. My first reaction was, "Hell to the no!", but she added lunch into the deal so you know I was "in" because of free food that I didn't have to cook. I figured I would ditch the skiing and pig out.
You see, I've been skiing since I was 15. I was pretty good at it at one time at least until I got super fat. The last time I remember going was about 6 years ago. My ass fell over in a huge bank of snow and I was sure I needed a crane to get me back up. Skiing fat was not fun.
Today I watched as our girls, Mr. Sign and my mom got their ski boots on. I decided not to be a loser and got my gear on too.
Part of the beauty of being a farmer's granddaughter is that we have thousands of acres on which to play. I know how lucky I am because of this.
I strapped those skis on and immediately felt at home as I glided through the sparkling snow.

Here he is with my mom and both girls:

Here you see us racing each other.
I'm on the right and winning:

backwards, I still won:

I skied several times down this same hill and never fell once which is unbelievable if you know me.

Aw! What an awesome day!!! My grandparents have a huge farm with a great hill. We also are lucky that we live a few blocks from a park with the perfect size hill for kids. It's just been so freakin' cold (as you well know since my MI friends have been suffering along with me!) to do anything outside! But today, my chilis are actually outside sledding right now. It's 35 and feels like a heat wave!! :P And I am so looking forward to finally being able to ice skate too! Finally, something good about this winter. :D
What a Great Day Jenn!!!
I know how much of a Snow Bunny you are, so You must be on Cloud 9 today...
Great Pix...
Especially of #2..*wink*
Looks like you guys had a great day of snow fun... I'm sure it's a day your girls will remember always of having a great time with their parents. :-) Congratulations on being able to get back out there again as a thin lady!!
great pictures! glad you had fun. looks like it was good times! have a great week, my dear!
What a wonderful weekend of fun! I miss having all the pasture space to play in.
Wahoo! Glad you can get outside and enjoy it now.....
You know those blessings that Lime keeps counting. I think you found some real big ones to count here. It looked like a lot of fun. Glad you were able to make a whole day of it. I have not been x-country skiing in years. I enjoy it but not near as much as the UP. It blows down here away. Of course the whole family makes it priceless.
Now pass some hot chocolate, please.
Oh what a cool Ta Da moment. I find myself not playing along still too because it's "normal" not to take part. Great Day! :)
What a great day for you and your family!
Congrats on adding just another weight loss blessing. What a magical day.
and you didnt even invite me..
Thats ok.. I forgive you... Mostly cause I made a quick stop to the mall yesterday and got what I really needed... Some retail therapy!
Cool looks like you had a blast. And I'm sure right about now you realise that a lot of stuff that you did before or couldnt do before you actually can do now and it seems fun. It may or may not seemed fun before but now look out cause here ya come.
That’s awesome dear. Looks like fun too. Yes, just for a visit! LOL
i got tears in my eyes as i read this post - for real
good on you!!!
WOW! That looks like so much fun! I can't even begin to imagine myself skiing. I'm glad you had such a great weekend Jenn. :)
Hooray! That looks like SUCH fun! I'm definitely going to have to try it!
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