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    Sunday, June 15, 2008

    Happy Father's Day!

    My dad was one of those dads that was always holding my hand as a little girl. If he was sitting down, I was on his lap. I still remember riding on his shoulders whenever I got tired of walking.

    Inevitably, I would ask a million questions like little girls do. He usually answered all of my questions and I thought Dad knew everything in the world. Occasionally, Dad would get sick of my incessant questions and his answer would become "To make little girls ask questions."

    My father taught me the meaning of a dollar. He scrimped and saved but always gave me what I needed.

    My dad did his best to raise us on "his" weekends. We always enjoyed our time together and cried on Sundays when we had to go home.

    My dad was the greatest dad he could be to us. I love you, Daddy!

    Me, Dad and sister
    (taken last summer)

    Happy Father's Day to all men (grandfathers, brothers, uncles, friends) who make a difference in the lives of people all around them!


    Anonymous said...

    awww, that was a beuatiful post to your dad, sign gurl. and how proud he must be of the beautiful woman his little girl grew up to be.

    and Happy Father's Day to Mr. Sign as well! hope you all have a great day!

    barman said...

    That is wonderful Sign. Nobody is perfect, even Dad's but it is good he did the best that he could and not just disappear like some Dad's. I hope Mr Sign had a nice day.

    Mona said...

    Yayyy! Three cheers for Jenn's great Dad!

    Happy Father's day to all!

    lime said...

    what a lovely tribute. you're a lucky girl, indeed. and may i add...he's a lucky dad.

    G-Man said...

    You always have such a wonderful way with words...
    Very nice tribute..Give Sasquatch a hug from Galen..xox

    Anonymous said...

    Great post and a fine lookin' dad. Hope your Father's Day was a good one.

    Lori said...

    Those are great pictures! I love the comparison between your dad back in the day and your dad today. :) It's nice that you can recognize his ability to do the best he could. Alot of times we forget that our parents are human and most of them try to be the best parent they know how to be under whatever cicumstances. Jenn, again you show what a good person you are...HUGS

    Sheri said...

    What beautiful pictures and what a beautiful family. Nice tribute