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    Sunday, November 30, 2008

    This And That

    • We are supposed to get 8 inches of snow by tomorrow. I'm looking at the positive that I will build some arm muscles from all that shoveling.
    • The closer I get to going to Vegas, the more excited I am. I plan on living life to the fullest. Hopefully you won't read about me in the papers. On second thought...
    • Thanksgiving was a little strange. I feel like I don't fit in with my family anymore. They treat me so differently, but I guess I act differently. How can they know who I am, if I don't even know.
    • I'm trying to kill the fat girl in my head, but she just won't die.
    • People who didn't know me when I was fat don't believe that I used to weigh 384 pounds. Even after showing them pictures, they still argue that it can't be me in the pictures.
    • It's really hard to wrap my head around the fact that I look like I do. I spent 38 years looking different and it's hard to accept my own appearance.
    • I have hardly eaten for the last 4 days. I have no idea why I have no appetite. It's quite a switch from the last 6 months that I've been ravenous. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't exercised since Wednesday. I'm feeling sloth like and not needing calories.
    • I have been bestowed with several early gifts this week (anniversary, early birthday and Christmas). I got a GPS and a new camera.
    A picture with the new camera:

    Hope everyone had a great holiday and got all of their Christmas shopping done!


    Sicilian said...

    Thanksgiving was weird here too Gurl. . . . I had to make myself put my Christmas tree up today. . . . I do not miss snow. . . . we will be 30 something tomorrow here, and I don't like that either.
    I read this on a sign at a craft fair, and laughed and laughed. Hope it makes you smile too.
    There is a skinny girl inside me, but I can usually shut her up with cookies.

    lime said...

    families can be strange...mine proved it this year....

    i hope you have a great time in LV.

    sweet picture. enjoy that camera and whatever other good stuff comes your way.

    Big Pissy said...

    Holidays seem to always bring out some sort of drama, etc. Why do we even put ourselves through it by getting together?!?!? ;-)

    I know you're going to have a fabulous time in Vegas. Can't wait to hear about your escapades!

    Susy said...

    I love the picture of you and your girls!

    Family...what can you say? Gotta luv them but that probably why we had to drink this past weekend!?

    And I say TAKE CARE OF YOU and have a blast in LV.

    luv ya!


    barman said...

    Holiday was OK but it will continue to get strange with the brother in law losing his job by the end of March next year. Putting the dinner together took a while and everyone showed up late but all and all good time.

    Love the picture of you three. Very nice picture, great camera too.

    Have a great time in Vegas. I saw a special or something about how Vegas is being hurt by the economy. Real bad home foreclosure down there and 10 percent less people. They are working on ways to attract people into the casinos. You may see some nice deals down there. Also they showed a hot tub and said "What happens in the hot tub, stays in the hot tub". Hummm!

    Anonymous said...

    Isn't that weird to have to argue with people about your former weight?! I have had people utterly deny that previous pictures were of me. Yesterday I ran across a university ID from 1987. Honestly, I now look more like that picture than I do in pictures from 1996. How weird is that?!?

    Have a great time in Vegas, and concentrate on all of the positives. Things will be less creepy as time goes on.
