I wasn't going to post an HNT today. I've had this sitting in my posts for weeks. I wasn't sure about posting half nekkid pic's of the girls but they are so damn cute!These are my babies about 8 years ago. The oldest was 5 and 1/2 and the youngest was 18 months. It seems like yesterday that they were this little. The first picture was just after getting them out of the bath. It's hard to tell, but the little one has a water pistol because she is a pistol. I miss kissing their little baby toes and giving them baths.
The second one was after mixing up a cake. (Don't tell me about Salmonella, I never died from it and I've eaten lots of cookie and cake batter.) My girls get their features from me but their coloring from their Italian daddy.
I'm All A'Twitter
Thursday, December 08, 2005
HNT......I Had To Do It........
Wish they still got along like this. All they do is fight now and drive me crazy (well, crazier than I already was)! (What is it with kids and the nekkidness? I still have to tell them to put on some clothes.)
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1:13 PM
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they're adorable! happy hnt :-) also... i ended up reading your MIL/FIL saga, and i'm hooked now!
They are adorable! :) Cheers and happy HNT!
Awwwww, they're so cute!
Happy HNT!
OMG they are soooo beautiful!!
Happy HNT to you too!
aw ain't they cute! must get it from their mommy..heh heh heh
Happy HNT jenn
Awwwwww your girls are beautiful! Glad you decided to post these pics, they're so cute!
I licked lots of batter when I was a kid too! Still here, obviously!
Happy HNT!
That is so cool!
I wish I still had pics of my kiddos when they were observing HNT... of course, they didn't realize it, they were just running around in their diapers (or in my youngest kid's case, absolutely nothing).
So I guess that woulda made it Nekkid Every Day.
I'm done.
My youngest was totally addicted to what appears to be the same pacifier in the picture. Sad thing was, our dog had a thing for those "binkys" too, and whenever the child dropped hers, the dog scooped it up and ran away with it. They were hard to find in the stores too.... sorry, I got on a tangent there.
Happy HNT,
the idiot
Awwww, great pictures of your cute kids. Oh my, that means you now have a teenager. Yikes!
My sister and I fought a bit growing up but as we got older that all came to an end. For now just enjoy the time you have with them. You never know what things might happen. Things happen and sometimes people go their seperate ways, even in families. Carpe Diem. Enjoy each and every moment with your kids. They are not always Hallmark moments but they will do.
Somewhere else that I post I have a tag line that I just love. It seems appropriate here. From Monty Python, Life of Brian ... Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
How could you resist? They're beautiful! HHNT.
Too cute!
Happy HNT :)
Awwww, cuter than a bug's ear!
Cute girls. How do the teenagers feel about you posting their pics on HNT? :) Happy HNT!
Rob~I always miss you.
Gigi~Stop that, you are making me cry.
Roxi~No one has ever gotten sick. I know these things.
Alice~Thanks for reading that.
Lecram~Thank you.
Wenchy,Big, Blondie, Haze, Leesa~ Merci Beaucoup!
TC~ You know they get their looks from their daddy ;)
Chrissie~I know, time flies.
MamaK~glad you're still with us.
Tami~Post 'em.
Idiot~You could only get those pacifiers at the hospital here. Luckily they gave me some extras.
Barman~I enjoy each and every minute with them. They still drive me crazy.
Robin, Bs, Cutie~ They are cute aren't they. Thanks!
Sch~They actually gave me permission. They are cool like that.
Happy (almost NOT thursday anymore) HNT....
My yougest son (6) would run around naked every single day if I let him! I too long for the days when my older 2 got along...damn, I am so old its ridiculous!! lol
they are just adorable. Happy HNT
Happy snow day for you!
you got some cute kids there... even if they are nasty teens now....
Awwwww. priceless shots Jenn. Beautiful captures of a moment in time. happy hnt!
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