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    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    HNT #9

    Every girl needs at least one pair of stripper shoes. Let me just say, these aren't too practical for everyday here in Michigan but there is always that special occassion.

    Like Thursday.

    Happy HNT!!

    Check out the HNT king here:


    Lee Ann said...

    Cute shoes! Happy HNT!

    Marie said...

    Cute shoes!! And you have pretty feet. Happy HNT!

    BTExpress said...

    So, if I lay real still, and you...........SMACK, SMACK! Sorry.

    Happy HNT!

    S said...

    Wow those are wild shoes! Happy HNT!

    lime said...

    them are some kicking stripper shoes! happy HNT!

    Anonymous said...

    Thos shoes are wonderfully sexy.

    Bsoholic said...

    Quite the sexy shoes!

    Happy HNT

    Anonymous said...

    Oh girl. Walk all over me pleeze? Love the kicks. HHNT babe.

    Wenchy said...

    Oh you make those look so good!

    Robert van de Walle said...

    I think those shoes are a sign.

    Uh, that was more witty in my head.

    Lil Bit said...

    OMG!! Looooooove those shoes... I have some kinda like 'em.
    Nice pedicure, too, Miss Pink Toes. ;)
    Happy HNT! =)

    barman said...

    Great stripped shoes. Happy HNT. Very nice by the way,

    Blondie... said...

    LOVE THE SHOES!!!! You're right, every girl does need a pair. You just never know. ;-)

    Happy HNT!

    MamaKBear said...

    OH! I LOVE those shoes!!! And I'm normally a tennis shoe kinda gal, so that's saying something.

    Happy HNT! :)

    sassinak said...

    those shoes freaking rock. rock.

    also you have nice feet. i love hooker shoes BUT i don't think i own any anymore :(

    do have 5" platform boots though...

    DZER said...

    hot, hot, fucking hot ...

    as a connossieur of strippers, and thus stripper shoes, I just have to say ... you can spin around on my pole any damn day ... or night ;)

    Just Brian said...

    Very sexy shoes and feet. HHNT

    Mark Leslie said...

    Cool shoes - Happy HNT!

    The Village Idiot said...

    Great Pics.

    Happy HNT,
    the idiot

    Tess said...

    Love, love, love the shoes. Stripper shoes rock.

    Happy HNT!

    Alex said...

    I hate to admit it but gigi does have a way with words.


    Anonymous said...

    every girl does indeed need a pair of stripper shoes - excellent!
    Happy HNT!

    David said...

    Do you know where I can get a size 13!
    I always want to wear heals. Well, not really just a fleeting thought.

    They look better on you anyway.

    Happy HNT!

    aughra said...

    Those are some serious shoes, sister.

    Happy HNT.

    Phoenix said...

    LOL...Now click your heels together three times Jenn and see if you get your wish huh? ;-)

    Anonymous said...

    It's gonna warm up there in the Great Lakes State on of these days...until then you can prance around the house in those
    bad-ass shoes!


    AndyT13 said...

    Awesome! HHNT!

    ShyRocket said...

    Great shoes... now, do we get to see shots of you with your pole?

    Suze said...

    Wow Jenn, have you taken up porn? LOL.

    The Village Idiot said...

    Nice SHoes...wanna ??????

    Love the shoes...do i see a goldfish in the heel?


    AnnieAngel said...

    !!!!!!MAJOR SHOE ENVY!!!!!!!!

    Happy HNT!

    MightyLambchop said...

    Happy HNT!

    Anonymous said...

    you also have very kissable sexy feet jenn..:)

    S said...

    Hey! Can I steal that comment whore sign? I am one too! Won't do it unless you say it's ok! Happy HNT again!

    Big Pissy said...

    Cute! I'm gonna start calling you "Barbie" now! hee hee!

    Scott & Julia said...

    Beautiful shoes! Happy New Year and Happy HNT!

    The Great and Might Os said...

    Those are some hot shoes baby. Take em off... take em off.....

    jiggs said...


    Her Daddy's Eyes said...

    I love the little heart! Happy HNT!


    Unknown said...

    HHNT! Nice CFM's

    Anonymous said...

    Ohhh those are sexy!

    Just Me said...

    Love the shoes!

    Happy HNT!

    wmy said...

    Holy crap...you are a popular chick! Love the shoes dahhhlliinngg

    Everything Nice said...

    Jenn, can you send me the link or any information on where I could buy a pair like that?

    Wow, really really cool! You have great feet :)


    Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

    great toenails luv