I'm posting a part of myself I hate the most.
It's not a stomach, it's a belly because it's big.
The squeamish have been warned!
When I got pregnant, my friends all told me that I wouldn't get
big or have stretch marks because I'm a big girl.
They were wrong. When daughter #1 was developing,
she left horizontal stretch marks.
Daughter #2 left vertical stretch marks.
Combine the two and you have plaid.
It's not a stomach, it's a belly because it's big.
The squeamish have been warned!
When I got pregnant, my friends all told me that I wouldn't get
big or have stretch marks because I'm a big girl.
They were wrong. When daughter #1 was developing,
she left horizontal stretch marks.
Daughter #2 left vertical stretch marks.
Combine the two and you have plaid.

Happy HNT!
Now go see the Half Nekkid King
Now go see the Half Nekkid King
Yikes! I think I've gone too far!
My two kids left me marked as well - I've thought many times about a stretch-mark edition of HNT - but I haven't found the guts (pun intended) to do it yet - kudos to you, the pic is great! ~HHNT~
I think you must be your worst critic! I think it is a great picture...
Happy HNT!
Plaid? I see no plaid. Nice shot!!
Happy HNT!
i can't see anything except a belly button...
Have a good one. Happy HNT!
Jenn, they show the true beauty of a loving mother. Love your cute tummy button.
Happy HNT sweetie. ;)
Don't be so hard on yourself. Stretch marks is something we can inherit I believe...at least so I've been told.
Happy HNT!
Good for you!
I've got stretch marks too and at one time I was disgusted by them but now I realize that my body CRADLED ANOTHER HUMAN WITHIN IT!!!!
How cool is that?
Strech marks are just a reminder of what we have accomplished!!!!
Happy HNT SG!!!
I don't see the marks either ...
happy HNT beautiful ... *smooch*
Well, that's fine... you're a REAL woman! Happy HNT x
Hey, move your hands, I couldn't see the stretch marks!!! (Don't worry, we all have them. Oddly enough, mine are on my upper thighs instead of the tummy, and were all from kid #3. You'd think the first two kids would've caused some too!)
Stretch marks & the belly are nature's way of reminding us we have kids when they're driving us so nuts that we're really really trying to forget. hehe
Happy HNT!
I agree with No one in particular. I too have 2 children(boys) and I am not ready for the tummy shot...those dern strechmarks.mine are all vertical....does that mean it will make me look thinner??LOL! HAppy HNT!
Looks good to me :) HHNT!
hey I hear ya. I gained 75 pounds with my daughter and had so much water gain that I have stretch marks everywhere too. I applaud you for showing them off though. I think the pics are sexi. Happy HNT!
happy HNT sexy its whats below the strech marks that we men like
Stretch marks don't detract. They are a sign of courage and honor. Very nice pictures! Happy HNT! :)
tartan plaid? is your heritage showing and...nice tummy..i like innies!
I love your HNT pic it makes me smile to smile is a good thing.....thanks!! HHNT!
Very nice HNT ... I'm not brave enough to try that
Very nice indeed!
yes, you are sexy... and part of what makes you so is where you've been...
your words are wonderful, as always
so no polka dott bikinis this summer ....just doesnt go well with plaid ya know lol
you are being so hard on yourself, these picture hardly show any marks, you have beautiful skin (I'm a massage therapist so I see alot of skin)
i see no plaid either... ! just some lovely shots.
Oooo, very nice belly button sexy. HHNT!
So far I see nothing wrong here....Happy HNT. The sad part about the things 'we' see wrong with ourselves is just that....we are the only ones that have a problem with it. ;-)
You look fine SG, actually very sexy. Don't tell Mr Sign.
I know guys are less self contious than women but I had a full blown gall bladder surgery that left a huge scar. I was so self contious of it for some time. Now I just accept that it is part of what makes me.
By the way, I love the belly button. Happy HNT.
happy hnt!
Reading your HNT, then your previous post, i'd say the stretch marks were so worth it.
I am crying right now after reading your story about your friends boy...I am so sorry, and as for advice, you know, as a mom, and I am one too, that no pain could be worse. I really dont know what to suggest...but, I send my best thoughts and prayers for your friend.
You're a hotty, I don't see a dang thing that isn't touchable there. The plaid thing is hysterical!!
Plaid?!? You crack me up!
I wish I had stretch marks...I'd be proud of them!
Happy HNT! :)
PAH! I don't see anything wrong with your belly! You are too blasted hard on yourself, missy!
Bold women wear plaid.
I love the emotional risk of this pic. very alluring!
you are still beautiful!
Happy HNT
You are my HNT idol. Plus your way braver than me.
I don't think it looks bad at all. Trust me, I work for an OB and I've seen ALOT worse looking stomachs than that.
Happy Gistday. I mean Thursday.
That's cool!
they must neutralise each other because I don't really see anything!
LOL at the plaid remark. Maybe a checkerboard?
SG, I like your tummy very much. May I lick it? I have this thing about wanting to lick attractive people. Not in a weird-wacko way, but just a little taste. I think you're beautiful.
hey...does this mean i might get to have plaid too?? :) then we would match...
Very cute!
Finally made it here! Happy HNT ... or actually HNS.
This is my favorite HNT that you have ever done! I can't believe I didn't get here on HNT day to enjoy it with everyone else! BLAST MY INCOMPETENCE!
Also, what would you think about submitting these to my blog? please!?!?
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