We had an ice storm last night. It wasn't too bad but I wasn't going to risk my life on my way to work even with my new pay raise.
This is Mr. Sign's car all covered in ice.

The tree in our front yard. When I went out to take this picture, the wind was blowing the branches in the trees making it sound like a chandelier clinking.

Our new pet Beta. He used to live in Mr. Sign's office. Mr. Sign named him after his boss who is in Iraq right now.
The girls want to keep him here.
The girls want to keep him here.

You got bambu growing hydroponically? Awesome!
Working today?
ICK ICK ICK! It's heading our way. Or something is. Least that's what they said this morning. We've had 3 days of pounding rain. It's gonna continue till noon...then from what I hear, winter is coming in a very big way. Did I say, ICK!
G-Man~ Did you actually read the post? No, I'm not working, doof!
CrabCake~ You knew we were over due for winter since we had no snow in December.
Sal~ Please don't rub in the fact that you are in sunny Cali ;P
But sweetie, you are not wicked.
Well, you are to me, but not to everyone else.
Gman~ You know I love you, so stop complaining about me being mean to you.
As she SNAPS the bottom of the rubber glove in place!xoxx
I'm just sitting here, waiting for our ice storm! :)
I'm just sitting here, waiting for our ice storm! :)
EEEEK! Please pass me by, please pass me by.
Normally I wouldn't mind a good winter storm, but now I am an essential employee and have to get there no matter what!
Ahhh ah ah, I used to call in and tell them "I've made an executive descision and I will be using a personal day."
Shouldn't my name be on the letter head?
And another thing...Why do I have to sit there and blow up? Are any of us really that important? I think not!
Gman~ Stop squirming!
Donna & Manny~ I hope it misses you both. Manny, that's the price you gotta pay for making so much money :)
You got nothing better to do then to beat people to be the first commenter? Well OK you win.(Jillie)
Mannys Rich?
Gman~ Ha! I finally beat you at your own game! As for Manny's wealth, I'm just guessing that with a promotion comes a pay raise.
we could use an ice storm here in NYC
We finally got some snow here but I dont think there was much ice....but then again I could be wrong.
Wow! We don't have one flake of snow over here in the UK yet.
I recall when I was a girl that we would quite often need to dig our way out of the front door at this time of year.
It probably won't be long before Jack Frost visits us too...
Good Lord, I've been trying to note you all moring! Ugh!
Anyway, we're waiting for ice here too, and I'm in Houston!
brrr, cold here and it's ALL the rage to have your pipes wrapped and bread and milk in the pantry.
That tree almost looks like it tried to bloom!!
Well I got in my car this morning and on the coast is was 39!!! YIKES...and now you're showing me ice storms. OHHH MAN!!! My fingers are stiffening up as I speak. I know this time I will REALLY be cold....brrrrrr.
Glad you stayed home. I remember those days oh so well!
Brooklyn Frank~ It's weird not having winter until now.
Gab~ Get thee outside and check so you can report to us, lol.
Suze~I can remember doing the same thing here. My kids think I'm lying since we've only had to do that once since they were born. I'll try to send some winter your way ;)
Donna~ I knew that was you up there :)
Milkmaid~Lucky for us, 1/2 don't really need food.
Jillie~ It brought back memories?
Not for nothing, but you couldn't walk the 100 feet to work? Your a very bad Signgurl. ;-)
good to see you still have power
enjoy the respite, despite the cold and ice
i'm the caregiver for my son's betta as well
Gabby too? Your out of control. When you going back to work?
Christ. The forces of nature are SO against me. Why oh WHYYYY have we had NO snow this year? I need and DESERVE a snow day, dammit. Send that shit to me, Jenn. (I sound like a crack whore now. Nice.)
I had a beta once. He died under horrific circumstances. It's best to LEAVE HIM AT HOME. Traveling could be deadly. Tell the girls I'm on their side!
Yea, I'm rich. Ahhhhhh ah ah ah ah
What is Mr. Fish's name?
BTE, sign works 100 feet from where her parents live, not from where she lives. It was pretty bad down in the area she works from what I heard.
Anyone that wants an ice storm just let us know. I am sure Sign and I would not mind sending the next ice storm your way.
I spent forever doing the driveway and the sidewalk today. Oh and probably spent 20 minutes chiping the ice off my car. When does spring start? I would send a snowball your way Sign but this is not good packing snow.
I love the ice for picture purposes, but after that it wears me pretty thin. In the south they really don't know how to drive on anything that is the least bit slick.
I will have to brave it on my own tomorrow.
Stay warm and dry.
wow, I don't miss weather like that...we are freezing here, but at least can still get around...
Barman, I misread. Sorry Signgurl! I'm bad. :-(
Ok no ice just snow ick!
Beta needs an Alpha.
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