I was over at G-Man's reading a comment by Lime, who was talking about a group that posts their blessings every Friday. I haven't had time to check into the whole phenomenon yet, but thought I would put a few of mine out there.
I have:
- two healthy, happy and intelligent children
- a husband who loves and cares for me
- a job that I enjoy going to every day that allows me to be creative
- a beautiful home that I am proud of
- supportive family
- many friends that help make me happy
- a healthier way of living thanks to weight loss surgery
- a love for the outdoors
When my Hubs and I met we were both going through a challenging time. We used to exchange 5 things we were thankful for each day. It reminds you bad things really aren't. :)
It's always good list things we are grateful in our lives, it's too easy to forget and take them for granted.
Cool idea.
What a nice idea. Keeps us balanced, I think.
Good idea. I may steal it. :D
It is a wonderful thing to do. It gets you heading in a postive direction and makes you think of how you can turn a negative into a positive. Pretty good list if you ask me. I am sure if you thought about it you could double it easy.
I do this a lot. Nothing turns a day around by facing the truth of all the things we have to be grateful for. You have a wonderful list there.
Felicia =0)
What a great post...I am going to have to think on that one....whew!
Sounds like you're doing pretty good so far ;o)
I love this beautiful idea. Imagine the things Monkey would be grateful for!
Ha! I spelled grateful wrong! I knew it didn't look right but was running late. I fixed it now.
Donna~ Great idea! I need to have Mr. Sign do this as well.
TC~ It's easy to think that things aren't going well for us until we really think hard about what we have.
Crabby~ I'm in need of a little balance right now, lol!
Melting Mama~ Feel free to pilfer. That's what blogging's all about.
Barman~ I've been thinking about it all day. I've always been thankful for people rather than things. If I added everyone to my list, it would be huge!
Felicia~ My little list maker, I would expect nothing less from you!
Jillie~ I love, love, love that avatar! I can't wait to see your list.
Monkey~ You would be grateful for a happy, loving family, and of course, bananas!
We should all take time to think about what we do have in life instead of bitching all the time...
This is a great idea...I also like donna's idea too.
that's a good idea
i think i will begin doing that - netter to focus on the good
If I ever list my things that I'm grateful for, I'd have to put meeting the beautiful Signgurl near the very top of the list!!
You help my pathetic blog look as good as it does, and you give me your precious time without hesitation..
You are an inspiration to all of us that battle their weight, and you always have a witty and kind comment for everyone.
You are without a doubt one of the most talented people I know.
Thanks Jenn, for being such a great person, and sucha good friend....G xo
What g said...Ditto.
You rock babe!
Superb idea - concentrate on the positive. You're doing good sign!!
I like this.. It kinda makes me happy..
I think I have to go throw up now.
Jenn, tell Roxi not to puke on your blog...
Tell her to come puke on mine!!!
Roxi?? We miss you!!!!
Great blessings there. I do a History Lesson every Friday...guess I could make another day be my blessing day...or even everyday for that matter.
How are you feeling Jenn? Is the vitamin "V" still helping? I PROMISE...I will NEVER make you laugh again and I'll WILL kick anyones ass who does until your healed...
naha! April fools!
I've just deleted my blog again. On purpose this time.
I'm done now.
April fools!!!
Hey, where is our signgurl??
I know she was having gall bladder problems...I hope everything is fine, and she is doing ok...I miss you...I am sending good thoughts your way!
Thinking of you. Hope you had a Ha Ha Funny April Fools Day.
good morning sweetie, hope all is well with you.
No wonder I could not find your link. It was down closer to the bottom. Missing you. Hope all is well while you wait for your stonechtomy.
Hope you're feeling better soon. Our blogging world is just not the same without you...
((HUGS)) and **kisses**
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