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    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    My Haven

    In my growing obsession with exercise, I have become addicted to walking at our county park. It's more beautiful than I am capable of expressing.

    (I think I've watched too many Top Model marathons)

    I drug Mr. Sign along to show him how beautiful the trails are:

    I thought I would look like a tree nymph, lol.

    I drive by this park every day and almost cry if I don't have time to walk there. With schedules being so crazy right now, I have to make sacrifices to get there, but it's worth it.


    Lori said...

    It DOES look very inviting there. I figured out, FINALLY, that there is a really nice park, with walking trails, not far up the road from my house. I think of you and walking and it makes me want to explore it.
    You and Mr Sign just look awesome Jenn...you really do. :)

    G-Man said...

    Oooooh, Love Mr. Sign's Man-boobs, he could give mine a run for the money!
    I'm so glad that he was there to catch you peeing on that tree...

    Say...Is that a periwinkle top?

    You look awesome Jenn, keep up the good work!

    GAB said...

    really beautiful

    lime said...

    it looks like a gorgeous spot! and not just for walking....i mean since ya have mr sign along and all.....

    snowelf said...

    Hey Jenn!

    It's so beautiful and green where you are!! Our trees are just now finally starting to get some leaves! Yay!! And isn't it great that it's finally warm enough to actually go OUTSIDE. Who would have thunk it after this nasty winter? :P


    Anonymouse said...

    wow.. that is sure purty! :)
    The woods are nice too lol

    kimmyk said...

    pretty pretty picture number 2!!!! love that one!

    it looks peaceful there.
    mr sign is lookin great-pass it along wouldja?!?!

    Big Pissy said...

    What a beautiful place!

    you look gorgeous~as usual. :)

    Mona said...

    WOW! you look so good!

    Specially in that last picture you look damn sexy! Your face looks so sensual!