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    Saturday, June 28, 2008

    I found this post originally dated January 30, 2006. It's fun to see that not much has changed in 2.5 years.

    DZER did this questionnaire a while ago and I thought it interesting.

    So, I present to everyone the "infamous" Proust Questionnaire, from the back of Vanity Fair, which is based on questions asked of Marcel Proust, first at age 13, then 20.

    What is your idea of perfect happiness?
    Being healthy, happy and loved.

    What is your current state of mind?
    Cloudy and unsure

    What is your greatest fear?
    Death of a loved one

    What is your favorite way of spending time?
    Talking with my kids on most days. Other days just listening to silence

    Which living person do you most admire?
    My mother

    Which historical figure do you most identify with?
    I don't

    Who are your favorite fictional heroes?
    Alex Cross

    Who are your heroes in real life?
    My parents

    Who are your favorite writers?
    Ann Rule, Anne Rice, and Stephen King (stop grumbling DZER)

    Who are your favorite musicians?
    Prince, The Eagles and The Doors

    Who are your favorite filmmakers?
    Steven Spielberg, John Hughes and Alfred Hitchcock

    Who are your favorite actors?
    John Cusack, Anthony Hopkins , Cary Grant and Clark Gable

    Who are your favorite actresses?
    Meg Ryan, Betty Davis, Paris Hilton (yeah, right)

    What was the last book you read?
    "A Father's Rage"

    What book are you reading now?
    "Blowout", by Catherine Coulter

    What is your most treasured possession?
    My family

    Who or what is the greatest love of your life?
    My daughters

    What are your most marked characteristics?
    Hard working ability, sense of humor, low self esteem

    What are the traits you most deplore in yourself?
    Low self esteem and emotional remoteness

    What are the traits you most dislike in others?
    Lying and condescension

    When and where were you happiest?
    Hmm, when I was just out of high school

    What are your drugs of choice?
    Caffeine, specifically Diet Pepsi

    What is your favorite journey?
    Trip upstairs to my bed at night

    What are your greatest extravagances?
    Umm, I live very frugally (I'm a cheap bitch) so I would have to say having my hair cut in a salon.

    What do you most dislike about your appearance?
    My weight

    What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
    Are any overrated?

    On what occasion do you lie?
    When I don't want to hurt someone's feelings

    What is your greatest regret?
    Not finishing my degree in nursing

    Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
    Hi, shut up, pick that up, stop hitting her, clean your room (can you tell I'm a mom?)

    What is your favorite swear word?

    If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    My weight

    If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
    I wouldn't change anything

    What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?
    My children

    What would you regard as the lowest depths of misery?
    Being in pain with a terminal illness

    Where would you like to live?
    I love where I live

    What are the qualities you most admire in a man?
    Humor, intelligence, integrity, honesty

    What are the qualities you most admire in a woman?
    Scrupulousness, sincerity, trustworthiness

    What is it you most dislike?
    Lying and meanness

    What living person do you most despise?
    Hard to narrow it down but most politicians and political activists

    What is your biggest everyday pet peeve?
    Driving while talking on the cell phone

    What do you value most in your friends?

    How would you like to die?
    Old, happy and loved

    If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
    A philanthropist

    Who have been the greatest influences on you?
    My family

    What is your motto?
    Get over it!

    What talent would you most like to have?
    More artistic abilities using different mediums (mostly with painting)


    Sheri said...

    We can be so hard on ourselves can't we with the low self esteem? False Evidence Appearing Real.

    Mona said...

    Yay! you did change that one thing about yourself ;)

    snowelf said...

    Yep. Can totally tell you're a mom. ;)

    You look tiny in your latest walking pic. My daughter had the same bathroom-trauma escape happen to her last night too! We had to find a nice wooded area of our walking trail to hide her out in while she went, as there were no bathrooms at all along the way! Ack!

    And here's a little secret: I once busted into the men's room at the grocery store! Oops!


    Anonymous said...

    Would you still change the weight? If you were going to have just one thing done in PS, what would it be? I can't imagine you'd change a thing, personally. You look great in your pics and I completely hear you about the mosquito factor. I still swell up like a poisoned pup when I get bitten.


    Anonymous said...

    Ooh, and if we ever meet, I'll tell you how (and why) I kicked down the stall door of a bathroom, only to find some old coot inside. And I can't even blame that on bad vision!


    G-Man said...

    I'm not included in any of your answers....

    lime said...

    that was an interesting read, jenn. and like mona said, you have very dramatically changed the thing you like least. thats' a whole lot more than most people can say about themselves1