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    Monday, July 07, 2008

    My girl, Kimmy K, tagged me with this meme. I thoroughly enjoyed her answers,so I obliged her with mine.

    Here's the rules: (because yes, there are always rules!)
    Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

    I've been into this song since it came out in 2001. It's one of those that makes me feel like I'm flying. I became addicted to it when I was racing through Chicago by train with the world whizzing by me. Strangely, I had never seen this video. It only makes me like it more.

    Close Your Eyes-The Chemical Brothers
    -This song puts me in a trance.

    Hello Bonjour - Michael Franti and Spearhead- A fun little ditty about people getting along in the world, set to a reggae beat.

    The Dance Electric-Andre Cymone
    -This song was a favorite of mine in the 80's during my Prince obsessed youth. Prince wrote this song and now, watching the video, I'm not sure that it wasn't Prince singing it. I recently loaded this on my phone/mp3 and bounce around to it.

    Dangerous-Kardinal Offishall featuring Akon
    -Any song that talks about being a big dog trying to get her little kitty to purr is a'ight with me. Makes my booty shake no matter where I am.

    Who Made Who-AC/DC-This is the most underrated AC/DC song, in my opinion. I first heard it in the movie Maximum Overdrive with Emilio Estevez (wiggles eyebrows).

    Cry For You-September-This song sums up exactly how I feel about people who didn't care about me when I was fat.

    So there you have my eclectic mix of music that I love to move to. I listen to these songs every day when I do my 4 mile walk. They keep me moving.

    So now I gotta tag se7en other people...oh, hells bells, I hate to make people feel like they have to do something. If you want to do it, let me know in the comments so I can read yours.


    Anonymous said...

    i gotta do this meme! it's a good one!

    Love the AC/DC, girl!!

    Have a great weekend, sign gurl. :)

    kimmyk said...

    I love these songs!
    So not what I thought you would have in your iPod shuffle!!

    Lovin' that damn AKON aren't you? It's like whatever he touches turns to gold.

    And I agree, ac/dc-i have so many songs of theirs i listen to.

    very cool list sg!!!

    lime said...

    just catching up with the missed posts. i welled up at your memories of your FIL. congrats to #2 on the scholarship and for managing to stick it out for the week.

    fun meme, i may or may not do it.

    G-Man said...

    Where do you come up with this shit?
    What station plays this stuff?
    No Bob Segar..Ted Nugent?

    cadbury_vw said...

    i think i will listen to your songs - i need some new tunes for my workout mp3 player