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    Friday, December 05, 2008

    Flash 55 ~ Take 56

    Turmoil ruled her surroundings but was
    nothing compared to the chaos in her head.

    The flood gates had been opened after being
    rusted shut for years. She had been deprived for too long.

    This left no doubt about the path her life would take.

    There was no going back now. She was on a mission.

    If you are interested in attempting to write a 55, you can visit here to learn about it.
    If you do one, go tell G-Man that you did.



    G-Man said...

    Deprived of what?
    And on a mission to where?
    Very enigmatic here Signgurl...
    Just as you and England are, Thanks for playing, thanks for the friendship, and I hope your Mission is successful....G

    G-Man said...

    Bada Boom..Bada Bing!!!!

    Rastaman said...

    I think I understand. Nicely written!

    Mona said...

    G Man, Bada in Hindi means BIG :D

    Change & decision making are always chaotic initially. But one can work them through!

    The Savage said...

    was it a secret mission? o0oo0o0 Gotta love all that Bond stuffs....

    kimmyk said...


    where she goin??????

    Donnetta said...

    Hmm. Been working through things, huh? Always chaotic at first. Things settle down eventually. Sometimes chaos is stimulating! Enjoyed it. D

    barman said...

    Oh no, I think there is more to come. It really peaks ones interest for sure. Nice.

    Pam said...

    sometimes you got to go w the flow (no pun intended). need to go wherever makes you happiest. i know you'll get there. great 55.

    Big Pissy said...

    Just be happy.... ;-)

    Lulda Casadaga said...

    You go girl...Not Misson Impossible! Nice one...