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    Wednesday, December 03, 2008

    Thursday Portrait ~ Black Friday Shopping

    This picture was taken on Thanksgiving. The entire family spent the day perusing the Black Friday adds. Here we have from left to right: Me, Cousin K, Aunt Susan and Cousin L. Don't we look completely enthralled?

    In case anyone really wants to know what I ate on Thanksgiving, I give you, my plate:

    I couldn't even eat half of what I took, but it was all good!


    barman said...

    Might I say Cousin K might look enthralled but I am not so sure about the rest of you.

    The plate looks yummy. I did not totally stuff myself but I just wish I had ate as little as you did. Oh well, there is always Christmas.

    Hope you found some Black Friday discounts just to good to pass up.

    Sicilian said...

    I think you did great. I also wish I could get in the don't clean your plate club as you are. It is hard for me to not eat everything I put on my plate so I try not to put to much.

    The Savage said...

    You have this Farah Faucet thing going on with your hair. And that is so not a bad thing.... :D

    G-Man said...

    I'll have some of the white stuff, some of the brown stuff, and don't be skimpy on the red...

    lime said...

    now i am hungry again...

    did you brave the crowds on black friday? i cna' think of much i'd prefer to avoid.