I'm back from my little sabbatical. I don't know how I've managed to be away for 3 days. I didn't even check my email. I've been pissed all week after calling the insurance company and finding out that they still didn't have the paperwork they needed. Once they do get it, it could be another 30 days until approval. I didn't realize that I would have to babysit both the insurance company AND the medical facility.
As I promised earlier this week, here are some pictures.
This is #1 wearing her tiara. I was so jealous. I've always wanted one.

This is her best friend. #2 is also on the boat behind the friend.
Many large mouth bass were caught.

#1's friend who is also 14 got on one of the four wheelers
and proceeded to drive it staight into the pond. Luckily my father was
there and was able to dry out the carburetor and spark plug.
It still runs but the brakes squeak terribly. The funny part about it was that we had
about 10 kids much younger on the four wheelers all weekend without incident.

you must travel on a one lane road for 1/2 mile.
There is no electricity but we have a hand pump for water.

The same dock at night. Doesn't it look like Jason Vorhees is going to
jump up out of the water and kill kids who have been having sex (Friday The 13th)?
jump up out of the water and kill kids who have been having sex (Friday The 13th)?

had the most on. I'm such a child. The dot hehind them is a star.

We rounded out the night with some legal fireworks.
They pretty much sucked but we have to follow the laws, right?
The state of Michigan is going to allow the others soon since everyone has
them and they are losing out on all the sales tax when they are bought in another state.
They pretty much sucked but we have to follow the laws, right?
The state of Michigan is going to allow the others soon since everyone has
them and they are losing out on all the sales tax when they are bought in another state.
oh so lovely
thanks for sharing, i feel more relaxed just from seeing that lovely place.
and yes, totally on the jason voorhees
I've always wanted a tiara... well, I have one, but I don't wear it. Maybe I will to work tomorrow, LOL.
Oh, hey, I took off my comments indefinitely due to ugly ones on my blog - it has to do with "sparky", so I'm waiting for his sanity to return before I put them back on.
So, perhaps it'll be some time in 2008. :)
Miss you!
Holy crap! Excellent pics! Loved the pond shots and fireworks. I wish I could have been there with ya!
Try to keep your chin up with the insurance/hospital deal. I know it's frustrating. Rant all you want!
Do you think I could have sex on that dock one day? Pretty please?
I LOVE that pic of you as a little chittlin. I mean LOVE IT!!!!
How fun! That is such a pretty place...but yes, I could see Jason coming and hacking everyone to bits!
Love the tiara! ;-)
what nice pictures...
everything looks really peacefull and relaxing...
You have so much fun. Can i come live with you?
You didn't do something... a littlke more..... risky.... with the glow jewelery? heh heh heh
Great shots Jenn! What beautiful property. Looks like everyone had a good time.
I could have told you about the dumbasses who work at insurance companies, but I didn't want to rain on your parade :)
LMAO! I was just ready to say, "oooo that looks like so much fun"' when you had to go and bring up Jason. That movie freaks me out soooo bad. That one and Halloween. I can't watch them without my security blankie.
I could have sworn I left a comment. Then again I have noticed some of my comments have dissapeared others places.
I hope #1 had a great birthday.
Put a four wheeler in the pond. Even I have not done that. What fun. Love your pond by the way.
I had no idea about the fireworks. SO many people shoot them of now anyway so why not I guess.
Oh and that tiara, if it would not freak out Mr Sign I could hook you up.
love the pics! it's not feeling much like summer here right now, so it's nice to see something summery.
and go slap those insurance boobs upside the head. JESUS.
also, i wanted to let you know that when i updated my links recently, i accidentally deleted you, and one of my non-blogging friends was so lost -- she's become a regular reader of yours, and wondered what the heck was going on in your life.
i thought that was really cute. you have fans who don't even comment here!
(and yes, i fixed my links, so she can find you again.)
Man, if I had access to a pond like that I would SO be fishing all. the. time.
As for the insurance company...looks like we'll both have to practice patience without completely losing our minds! You with the insurance people, and me with caseworkers and the adoption process!
What are they doing with your bloody paperwork? It seems that intransigence is worldwide.
#1 looks gorgeous in her tiara. I'm jealous too. #2 sounds like a chip off the old block, having two boyfriends. ;)
What an absolutely idyllic setting for a Birthday party. I want to come next time. I promise not to drive the 4 wheeler in to the lake though. :)
great post Jenn, I love these pictures.Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Oh no...please tell me it isn't true they will start selling regular fireworks, it's bad enough around here already.
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