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    Sunday, May 18, 2008

    What A Day!

    Saturday we were invited to the graduation party of a former blogger babe, Roxi. She got her degree in criminal justice and lucky for G-Man, Barman, and myself, she shared the day with us.

    She was showing off her leaping abilities:

    Me, Roxi, Barman (peeking through) and G-Man:

    Is it just me, or does G-man look pissed?:

    Thanks for sharing your awesome day with us, Roxi. Now, if you happen upon me as I speed through your county, can you cut me some slack?


    lime said...


    gman does look pissed, is it because he isn't sammiched between the babes?

    congrats roxi! well done!

    Big Pissy said...

    How fun!

    Congrats to Roxi! :)

    Mona said...

    I saw some pictures at G man's and was sure that I would find some here too! :)

    Congratulations to Sarah!

    Jenn I LOVED the look of your cucumber sammiches. They look so labor intensive :)

    Please come & check some pictures at my blog too!

    Jon said...

    Congrats to my buddy Roxi. I am so proud of her. I wish I could have been there. My mom has been bugging me to come out for a visit.

    G-Man said...


    hehehe...I was in heaven, and always am whenever I'm in the presence of Signgurl!

    GAB said...

    WTG ROXI. Looks like it was a very nice day for a celebration

    Deech said...

    Looks like a great party and a great time had by all!


    kimmyk said...

    congrats roxi!

    javajazz said...

    i dont think G was pissed...
    i think he was having
    some impure thoughts...
    ps love the pink!
    and you gals
    look gorgeous!
    congrats Roxi...!

    Anonymous said...

    okay, you look way hotter in hot pink than i do!! that color is awesome on you. i swear you look about 20 years old in your pics!

    what a fun gathering! glad you had a good time.

    have a great day, sign gurl! :)

    Manny said...

    Yay! Way to go Sarah!!

    I love these pictures!

    Anonymouse said...

    very cool! Gratz to Roxi!

    Anonymous said...

    AWESOME!!! Congrats to Roxi!!!