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    Friday, November 21, 2008

    Flash 55 ~ Take 55

    The harshness of nature had taken it's toll on Melanie.
    She had to drag gallon pails through deep snow
    to the livestock. They counted on her.

    She knew that because of tough times, she would be asked to make
    a difficult decision.

    Which one of her "friends" would she chose to feed to her family?

    If you are interested in attempting to write a 55, you can visit here to learn about it.
    If you do one, go tell G-Man that you did.



    Pam said...

    ugh! i don't think i could live on a farm...and as long as i don't think how my food got on my plate, i can eat it. once i thought about it while eating a steak and all of a sudden the steak started tasting raw. i nearly threw up. i just quit eating it. of course, that didn't make me give up meat lol

    nice 55, sg...i'll be up some time fri morn (not fri here yet

    G-Man said...

    Jenn...Knowing a little about you, I understand where you are coming from on this one. Excellent job!
    Thank you for playing, and have a Great Week-End...G-Daddy

    lime said...

    oh man....never name the livestock!

    Mona said...

    Weather beaten & famine beaten

    Poor Melanie. That's a double jeopardy from life...

    Lulda Casadaga said...

    My husband told me a similar story about raising Bessie and than his dad laughing when he told them they were "eating Bessie". Hey, what can I tell you, his dad was a jerk and still is a jerk!

    I'm glad I grew up in the city!!